Prompted by the PurpleSun Question for an interview debriefing: “What is your experience with the healthcare or medical industry?”
I am a mental health patient since the age of 19, involved in a traumatic automobile wreck. The proceeding 15 years found myself navigating psychiatric hospitalizations, homelessness, psychiatric medicines, incarcerations and circumstantial solitude having sufficed to see and know this well. My experience has earned the rights, immunities and privileges affirmed and granted with a world class education, bespoke street mindfulness to intuitively exercise discernment with such relationships in our universe. In advise, my parents are both registered nurses, I reiterate this experience with an inherit bias of deciding to pursue my passions in media arts rather than follow their occupational example as a healthcare professional.
My experience with the medical industry is a grand transmutation. My attitude has been that was as a victim of some intangible illness with no cure, little hope for normalcy. I encapsulated the stigma of mentally disabled within a passive torment to my reality. This 'Rubik's cube-riddle' of reality, stasis, energy were zombie voided as I dredged blindly and soulless on the path of mental illness. The disability from madness and rhetoric of real plagued by officiates scrutinizing my rights as this classified citizen with derogatory stereotype life like in the 'disabled International Symbol of Access to be normal. Vetted and relinquished rom victim to valiance of the thriving wellness practitioner.
Hospitals are places to pause, evaluate, diagnose, treat even learn about our bodies, minds, and nutrition. To evaluate what is essential and what may be reconsidered for us to thrive. I learned from healthcare professionals about the industry, insurance, physiological processes, state/local governments roles, civil regulations, judicial sovereignties, purposeful compliance, applications and programs. My experience is now informed by addressing roots of symptoms crafted into a practice resolving therapy and meditation to address the roots of inner-malfunctions.
I require the ephemeral therapy, "if only for 5 minutes" a meditation discipline to acknowledge the best medicine and how it is most beneficial when initiated as a medicinal purpose. For example, the "If Only For Five Minutes" originated when I improvisational piano if only for five minutes daily has become an Orphean Elixir to the most unquiet mind. Adopting this philosophy to obtain a moment of detachment to thyself while still engaged in a mind body exercise is a state one seeks to arrive while practicing meditation. Affordances of space and availability of a piano are recurring challenges to this practice, and I have learned to evolve my heart to seek the same stillness of self while vanquishing the ego 'if only for 5 minutes.' A meditative practice, therapy with a doctor, diet exercise rest and sleep are at a full-time wellness practitioner.